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  • office@consolemission.org
  • Lalitpur district, Nepal
News & Stories Related to The Work of Dilasha Aviyan
अभिमुखिकरण /Orientation

अभिमुखिकरण /Orientation

मिति/Date: २०८० जेष्ठ २८ / June 2023, 11

बालबालिकालाइँ विद्यालय समय भन्दा बाहेक अरू समयमा कसरी पठन पाठनमा ध्यान लगाउँने र उनिहरूलाइँ शिक्षालाइँ पहिलाे प्राथमिक्तामा राख्न सहयाेग गर्ने भन्ने विषयमा १ दिनकाे अभिमुखिकरण कार्यक्रम सम्पन्न भयाे । यस १ दिने कार्यक्रममा १४ वटाबाट सहभागीहरू पठाइएका थिए । याे कार्यक्रम देश का विभिन्न जिल्ला अन्तर्गतका गाउँपालिकाका वडाहरूलाइँ दिने साेँच रहेकाे छ । A 1-day orientation program was held on how to help children focus on their study outside of school hours and to keep education as their first priority. Participants were sent from 14 countries for this 1-day program. This program is planned for the wards of the rural municipalities under different districts of the country.

  • सहभागी जाे वडाले छनाेट गरि उपस्थीत भएका थिए उनिहरूलाइँ सहजीकरण गर्न एउटा मार्गदर्शन वा सहयाेगकाे लागि पुस्तिका पनि व्यवस्था गरिएकाे थियाे । The participants were selected by the ward to attend. To help them facilitate a guidebook was given.

अगाडिकाे याेजना/ Looking forward:

  • सम्बन्धित सहभागी वडाका अध्यक्ष तथा अध्यक्ष समितिसँग भेटघाट र सहयाेग गर्नकाे लागि सहयाेग सम्बन्धित विषयबारे प्रस्तुति /Meeting with the chairman and chairman committee of the respective participating ward and presentation on the subject related to assistance.
  • उपलब्ध श्राेतबारे जानकारी लिने असार २०८० महिनामा /finding out the available resources at ward under their planning and budget – month of June 2023.
  • सहभागीहरूले याेजनाअनुसार सर्वेक्षण गर्ने र अभिभावक भेला गराउँने असार २०८० महिनामा /14 participants will do survey and parent’s meeting- month of June 2023 to mid July 2023.


In two villages within two rural municipalities, Console Mission (CoMi) has initiated a community learning center called Our Study Place by renting rooms, serving a total of 48 students. The journey between the villages takes locals more than an hour. Children from both villages walk to the same school, which offers education up to grade 8 and is operated by the government. The efforts of CoMi have been recognized by the school’s principal, the local chairperson, and their team. Recently, in October 2024, a three-month report was submitted to the ward and the municipal office.

Bashanti, a teenage married mother, is learning how to organize monthly parents’ meetings at an OSP in 2024. After completing her grade 10 by taking the SEE examination conducted by the government, she was expected to continue her studies. However, due to challenges, she was compelled to marry. Her husband, who is of the same age, also stopped his studies.


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