• (01) 9864478218
  • office@consolemission.org
  • Lalitpur district, Nepal
Console Mission, Playing a Role to Develop Mind from Early Age

Console Mission, Playing a Role to Develop Mind from Early Age

Individuals have their own choices. Both old and modern societies have their own cultures and traditions that help them to live their life smoothly. But the fact is that everyone can not stay in one place without going markets, visiting relatives and places like Government offices, hospitals etc.. Interaction is important and happens even if unwanted. It is parents responsibilities…


People organisation

People organisation

A challenging task The geography of Nepal consists of planes, hills and mountains. And, there are winter, rainy and hot seasons. Rainy season is challenging in hilly regions because road and livelihoods linked water supplies are affected. Children can’t walk to school, teacher and Government staff travelling by road don’t reach school or their work places in time or sometime…
