• (01) 9864478218
  • office@consolemission.org
  • Lalitpur district, Nepal


Based on Policy:

  1. General Assembly – Member (30) including the Board Members
  2. Board Members (9) – majority of female
    1. Chairman (Female)
    2. Vice Chairman (Female/Male)
    3. Secretary (Female/Male)
    4. Treasurer (Female/Male)
    5. Member (5)
  3. Organizational Development Executive consisting of various roles and responsibilities but “volunteer based“.
    1. Programme Executive
      1. Administrative Head
        1. Office Assistant
        2. Accountant
        3. Local Community Officers
    2. Volunteer Manager
      1. Community Local Volunteers
      2. Management Volunteers
      3. Initiative Monitoring Volunteers

Founder Members (14), Play a role of Management Advisory

to know in detail about the present or former Board Members, write to us at office@consolemission.org cc to dilasha.org@outlook.com
