• (01) 9864478218
  • office@consolemission.org
  • Lalitpur district, Nepal
School’s Teachers

School’s Teachers


  1. To be available once in a week in a community to monitor the initiative of Co. Mi.
  2. To witness the need that Co. Mi. is raising awareness of Parents to actively participate and invest in children’s education

Teachers’ in situation:

  1. As a Government’s employee, challenges connected with the political parties in minister
  2. Local Government needs
  3. Need changes that will affect


  1. School is far for both teachers and student
  2. Lack of travel means in time
  3. Monsoon road blockages by landslides
  4. Climatic changes

(photo: college volunteers reaching the rural public schools to understand the management of the human resources and school dropouts and how school handles absent students or who gets married in teenage.)
