Accepting the slogan ‘Human rights do not diminish with age’ ‘मानव अधिकार उमेरसँग कम हुँदैन’ let us of every age support consciously that a day will come that we will be age 60.#AgeingEqual
Accepting the slogan ‘Human rights do not diminish with age’ ‘मानव अधिकार उमेरसँग कम हुँदैन’ let us of every age support consciously that a day will come that we will be age 60.#AgeingEqual
What we must value it 1st October is the International Day of Older Persons We value it. Because it is a spiritual day. We need to preach about it. Until it is late, beyond 1st October, we need to act, otherwise someone will get old not knowing it.