• (01) 9864478218
  • office@consolemission.org
  • Lalitpur district, Nepal
When many are the victim, what about me?

When many are the victim, what about me?

In the social work sector, during training or interactive events, the event management team or NGOs strive to understand the reasons behind advocating and taking a stand against child marriage. In October 2022, a representative from Console Mission attended an event hosted by a coalition of NGOs dedicated to eradicating child marriage in Nepal. During an introductory session, the director…


Games are the better ways for children to learn something बच्चाहरु को लागी केहि सिक्न को लागी खेलहरु राम्रो तरिका हो।

Games are the better ways for children to learn something बच्चाहरु को लागी केहि सिक्न को लागी खेलहरु राम्रो तरिका हो।

Why not hide-and-seek? It helps develop communication, to be clever, patient, teamwork and strategy but we lack to focus in this area. याे लुकामारी खेल किन नहाेस् ? यसले संचार, चतुर, धैर्यवान, टोली कार्य र रणनीति विकास गर्न मद्दत गर्दछ तर हाम्राे यस क्षेत्रमा कम ध्यान केन्द्रित गर्दछाैं ।
