• (01) 9864478218
  • office@consolemission.org
  • Lalitpur district, Nepal
Opportunities and Challenges

Opportunities and Challenges

"Good health is the introduction of holy life" - Console Mission/Global Handwashing Day theme of 2017

There are people who care their soul but not their physical health and they get diseases and suffers that is not a good example.

Quarter I: January to March

Would you like to know about the planned projects and the activities of Console Mission in 2021:

  1. 24 community’s young leader will be aware on the Soil-transmitted helminths, a transferable disease listed as Neglected Tropical Diseases by the WHO.
  2. 20 socially backward female will develop skills that will help them start earning by working from home.
  3. 30 school children will receive school uniform and at least 8 note-copies and stationeries two times a year
  4. At 15 villages educational coaching class, a self-help peer-group studying environment will be created
  5. Awareness on the importance of ethical business for sustainability will be initiated for the profitable business of the urban popular area of the Lalitpur district, at least 500.
  6. Drinking water supply management at one village and monitoring of the implemented one at 3 villages will be done.
  7. Developing 9 volunteers that focuses the projects of Console Mission.
  8. 12 – 15 public health female volunteers will increase capacity to identify youngsters having Psychosocial issues because of COVID-19 and capable of counseling them well.
  9. At least the chairman of the 2 wards (14 and 15) will be consulted for starting Counseling Services at their respective 2 Health Posts with the help of the female health volunteers and a Psychosocial Counseling institute called ECTC.
  10. 3 beneficiaries of Console Mission will develop capacity to handle jobs as office/project staff.
  11. 2 General Members meeting will be conducted.
  12. 2 types of fundraising activities will be conducted.
  13. About 14 schools completed from the socially backward will be assisted to select Vocational Course and finding Scholarship.
  14. Quarterly Updates and Stories will be shared with the donors and grants provider.
  15. Quarterly Board meeting will be held.
  16. The Status of the Old Age People of the constituency area will be monitored and reported, especially in the areas of the monthly benefit of NPR 3000 that the age above 65 female and 70 male are receiving or not.
  17. Hand washing places and daily monitoring at 11 villages and 12 minority faith-based will be planned and implemented.
  18. Initiate psychosocial counseling online sessions for the public school’s students focusing on COVID-19 and its Psychosocial effect and motivating them to implement it at their school.
  19. Rescue of Old aged, abandoned and social victims will be done as needed, identifying such needs will be actively initiated.
  20. Students from the rural communities will get assistance for managing places and finance by teaching to manage their time for Console Mission, considering them as paid volunteers for their time.



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